This Week 2013-May-07 Night Drop

Captain’s log, stardate 41153.7
We have entered a spectacular binary star system in the MEL30J12 sector on a most critical mission of astronavigational research. An away team has been beamed down onto the planet YBP to investigate the source of interference for vessels navigating in this system. We will be holding a geostationary orbit pending the outcome of the away team’s mission.
Captain’s Log, supplemental: Due to the interference to our navigation systems we cannot trust any digital mapping tools. The away team will need to rely on analogue navigation tools.

MEET: at the hall at 7:15 pm for a 7:30 pm departure
PICKUP: At the hall 9:30 pm

This week we are of on a night navigation hike @ Yarra Bend Park.
The hike should take approximately one hour.

* sensible walking shoes
* suitable clothing for an outdoor activity, including a raincoat
* personal first aid kit
* a head torch or small torch (optional)
* a water bottle, with water in it

You will also need to bring a completed PIR – Personal Information Record [PDF] for this activity.

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